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Case Study
Porsche Cars North America partnered with Cherry Street Energy to build and operate a solar power microgrid at their U.S. headquarters in Atlanta, GA. The energy from solar panels will provide a significant portion of annual electricity needs and charge the all-electric Taycan sports cars from purely renewable power.
Case Study
Emory University
Cherry Street Energy installed 15,000 solar panels throughout Emory’s campus, offsetting 10% of peak power demand and furthering efforts toward transitioning to 100% clean energy by 2035.
Case Study
City of Atlanta
Cherry Street Energy has helped the City of Atlanta install solar programs on 17 municipal buildings to date, totaling 1.2 Megawatts, and aims to add over 7 Megawatts of solar capacity by the end of 2020.
Case Study
Jekyll Island
Cherry Street Energy supported the Jekyll Island Authority in their commitment to protect and manage the natural resources of Jekyll Island. We created a 4-acre solar array that generates electricity for Georgia Power, who distributes it via the grid.